Taking on another project

On the run up to Christmas 2009, I started seeing lots of chat and murmurings about something called Project52. I seem to remember seeing mentions of it the year before but this time there were a fair few people chatting about it, so I went and had a gander at the site.

The idea is to write and publish a blog post every week for a year. When I looked at it back in December I really wanted to participate but I had been suffering with a spot of writers block since my Halloween post so I didn't really think I was up to the challenge. Those who visit my site regularly will notice I've been a lot more active over the last few months and I seemed to start writing at just the right time.

The guys over at project52.info recently decided to reset the counters and begin the project again for 2010 starting this week, so I've decided to take up the challenge.

I don't consider myself a great writer but I love to write and I think this is the perfect opportunity to practice and improve. It will also get me into the habit of thinking of new ideas for writing and design and I hope that I'll quickly get into a routine of setting time aside each week to plan out ideas and publish posts consistently.

To keep up with progress you can follow me on Twitter or check out my Project52 page which I'll keep updated with links to new posts and whatever I've got lined up.