Another week, another redesign

I hold my hands up. I am an indecisive pain in the arse. About two months ago, I relaunched my site and with it, my intention to dabble once more in art-directed or editorial based designs for each entry. I've yet again taken a step back from this and returned to a much simpler way of publishing.

The main reason for doing this is time. To write and design posts which are interesting both visually and in content, a decent amount of time needs to be devoted to creating the work. At the moment, I've lots on my mind and if I'm lucky to be able to think of something to write about, I want to be able to get it written and published.

Bye bye editorial

I love the idea of editorial web design but I find it stifles my writing. What I mean by that is when I get an idea to write, I'll get the content written and want to get it published as soon as possible. I then have little time to create an appropriate design which then leads to the post sitting in the drafts category for a while, often becoming out of date.

So with that, I've returned to a regular, template based design. I've kept the elements that allow me to customise individual posts if I choose to but these will be kept to a minimum for the time being.

It's not just a redesign though

As well as the design and publishing issues, another thing bothering me was inconsistent code spread throughout the site. I have articles on here dating back a fair few years. Since then, I've done many rebuilds and redesigns, as well as making the move to HTML5 and some of the older posts have become a little dated under the hood.

In hindsight, I should have gone through them years ago and kept it all up-to-date but no point dwelling on the past. I've spent a fair bit of time updating the code to be more HTML5 friendly and also just makes the whole lot more consistent.

Right, that gives a bit of an insight as to why I wanted to change things here (yet again). Now I can focus on getting stuff out here for you all to read.