Digital Minimalism (part 2)

It's been a couple of weeks since I kicked off my Digital Minimalism changes so I thought I'd post a quick update to check-in with where I'm at.

Straight out of the gate, I've noticed a reduction (though not a complete eradication, yet) of the knee-jerk habit of pulling my phone out of my pocket at random times. But for the most part, as I've reduced the social media apps on there, I tend to put my phone away quickly after.

Related to the above, I decided the other day to completely remove Instagram. Moving it off my homescreen just wasn't enough. I still found myself going to Instagram to post some promo stuff then getting lost in it, albeit for a much shorter period of time. Still, I want to break the cycle of going there to kill time and use it more as simply a delivery tool for my art, so I'm going to continue to post there but from my laptop which gives me more time to consider exactly what I'm posting and why.

The rest I'd say is going fine. I've not really got any FOMO from not having these platforms in my pocket all the time so I'd say that's a positive step.

One thing I noticed this morning were two separate occasions where I experienced phantom vibration syndrome. As time goes on, it'll be interesting to track if that's just the same as what all of us experience from time-to-time, which I just happened to notice or whether it's a subconscious reaction to my withdrawal from these addictive behaviours trying to draw me back in?

I'll post another follow-up if I feel there's anything else to report.