Downgrading gear

I've been thinking about this for quite some time and will likely result in many messages calling me a twonk but... I'm thinking of selling my Canon gear.

I've been reflecting on how I shoot and why I've not been taking my camera out with me much these days. The main issue really comes down to the size of the kit. When we go into town to do a bit of shopping, I always want to take my camera in case there's something interesting to shoot but it's a bit too chunky to carry around just for the off chance of a shot. I need something smaller.

Also, I tend to shoot things I see around me while out and about, hardly ever planned and I sometimes get caught out with camera settings being wrong and miss a potential shot. On these occasions I just want something that has the simplicity of a point-and-shoot.

So the logical step would be to get a point-and-shoot although I do still like the option of changing lenses so I looked towards smaller options. After looking around at different options, I ultimately settled on the Nikon 1 J1. The camera is simple to use and really bloody quick for shooting and there are some nice lens options.

Hopefully, it'll arrive tomorrow just in time for the weekend and I've got some time to kill at the weekend so will be posting some of my results up here.