Epic Fail

Okay, so Epic Fail is a rather over zealous title but it's how I feel about my lame attempt at Ideas of March.

I've been bubbling with ideas and things to write about but just haven't had time to sit down and get some solid bits of writing done. I think I should stop getting involved in these projects surrounding writing and deadlines. This is the second time I've attempted it and failed due to other factors needing higher priority so I think next time a cool idea like this comes around, I'll just simply sit at the sidelines and continue to write here like I always have done.

Inspiration for writing comes to me at odd times, sometimes weeks apart, so I need to keep up a more flexible publishing schedule no matter how much I'd love to take part in cool projects like Ideas of March.

I do have a couple of articles currently in the revision stages but they'll be up here soon enough. Stay tuned!