30dwc 3rd October 2004 This is an x-ray of my chest that day. Both my lungs collapsed to a very dangerous level - the small white parts either side of my spine are my lungs, the black space in the rest of the image is the pneumothorax. It really did nearly kill me. Thankfully,
30dwc Back to the conversation I had a really random thought this afternoon about how socialising has changed over the years. Phone calls got replaced with text. Text morphed into tweets, direct messages, status updates and replies. It occurred to me that most of my day-to-day interactions happen through my keyboard. Aside from when I&
30dwc 30 day writing challenge For the last year or so, I've been pretty quiet on the blog front. Aside from Twitter and Instagram, I've been pretty quiet full stop. I've barely written anything, I've barely drawn anything, all the things I've planned to do