Just a little...
Regular readers will know I've been chasing various creative pursuits. I've been making sketchbooks, comics and writing. But I'm always wanting to do more.
One area I feel I've been lacking is in the area of what I'll call general art, by which I mean things like observational drawings, urban sketching etc. Historically, I've not been good at drawing what I see around me and I've always had excuses: not enough time, I work from home so subjects are somewhat limited day-to-day, don't have the right tools with me etc.
The thing is I find observational and urban sketching really inspiring. Robert Crumb does some incredible drawings of his surroundings and Ronald Searle's Paris Sketchbook is a feast for the eyes. I see this sort of work and feel the pull to work more in that area.
I recently made a small, 3" sketchbook just for fun but then decided to put it to work as my easily portable observational sketchbook.

Since I work from home, I don't get out much during the week so my subjects so far haven't perhaps been all that interesting. I plan to go out into the world and try drawing while out and about.
My ultimate goal over time is to improve my penmanship as well as my general observation skills. For now, I'm allowing myself the freedom to produce stuff that maybe doesn't quite hit the mark.
What every artist must learn is that even the failed pieces are essential
~ Rob Bell
The important thing at the moment is to show up and do.
Starting small...